Terraform VMware Cloud Director provider V3.14.0 – Cloud provider blog VMware

Terraform VMware Cloud Director (VCD) is now available and supports VCD versions from 10.4.0 to 10.6.0. This edition brings functions and improvisation actively required by the user. It contains 5 new sources and 7 new data sources, 11 enhancements and 9 bug fixes.

API filters and external endpoints

The API filters allow you to expand the VCD API with customized URL addresses that can be redirected to an external endpoint. These two concepts now have the relevant sources in the Terraform provider:

Here is an example that shows how to use them:

Source “VCD_EXTERNAL_Endpoint” “EP1” {
Seller = “Broadcom”
Name = “My-Endpoint”
Version = “1.0.0”
Allowed = TRUE
Description = “Simple example of an external end point”
root_url = “”

Source “VCD_API_Filter” “AF” {
external_endpoint_id = vcd_external_endpoint.ep1.id

If this application configuration is all the requirements that are filed <vcd-url>/ext-api/my-service/... will be redirected to With all parameters of the content of requirements and questions from the VCD.

The principles of the album virtual service

Three new resources and sources of data management HTTP Virtual Services. These resources can become quite large due to the AMNT criteria and the configuration of the action, but each of their own documentation pages can be found examples:


Improved user experience with RDE behavior

Sources and Sources VCD_RDE_INTERFACE_BEHAVIOR and VCD_RDE_TYPE_BEHAVIOR execution An argument that only supported the mapping of key values ​​to define behavior. This edition adds a new argument, execution_jsonThis allows you to define more complicated behavior by providing a complex thong jeson with specialization:

NAME = “mebehavior”

# ‘Execution_json’ allows you to use complex structures that are not possible with normal
# ‘Execution’ Map, as a nested “Execution_Properties” in Webhook’s Behavior:
Execution_json = JSONENCODE ({
“Type”: “Webhook”,
“ID”: “Testwebhook”,
“Href”: “https://hooks.slack.com:443/services/t07uzfn0n/b01ew5nc42d/rfjhcgiwzuzqfrppzulkix” “”
“_ Internal_Key”: “Secretkey”,
“Execution_Properties”: {
“Template”: {
“Content”: “
“_Secure_token”: “Securetoken”,
“Invocation_timeout”: 7

Note that the argument execution Can still be used for simple definitions. Also vcd_rde_behavior_invocation Data source also allows you to use the JSON arguments:

behavior_id = vcd_rde_interface_behavior.behavior.id
invoke_on_refresh = true
arguments_json = jsonencode ({
“Template”: {
“Content”: “Hello the World”
“_Secure_token”: “Securetoken”,
“Invocation_timeout”: 7

A new data source for inspection of access to the catalog

With the new VCD_Catalog_access_Control data source, you can read the controls for the catalog access and all the information it provides in your attributes (such as the organization with which the catalog is shared).

Nothing remarkable improvements

Corrected error

The note that everything is listed here is a list, but there is a list of users of the required corrections we have solved and can be honored in Changelog.

Go SDK V2.26.0 Published

Last but not least, there is a new version of V2.26.0 GO SDK for Cloud VMware Cloud Director.

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